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Prof Steven Haines

Senior Research Fellow

Steven Haines is Professor of Public International Law in the University of Greenwich. Previous academic appointments have included membership of the Management Board of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (2008-12) and as the founding Head of the Department of Politics and International Relations at Royal Holloway College, University of London (2003-8). From 1971 to 2003 he was a serving officer in the Royal Navy with deployed operational experience on most of the world’s oceans, including on UN maritime embargo, coastal security and maritime counter-terrorism, and fisheries enforcement operations. He also served on Joint Service deployments in 2001 to both NATO’s Multi-National Brigade HQ in Pristina, Kosovo and to the UK Joint Task Force HQ in Freetown, towards the end of the Sierra Leone civil war. He served for eight years in the Ministry of Defence (Naval Staff and Central Policy Staff) and was the RN member of the team that established the MoD’s strategic and doctrinal ‘think-tank’ in Shrivenham following the Strategic Defence Review in 1999. As an academic international lawyer he specialises in aspects of Ocean Governance (with a particular interest in Human Rights at Sea), Maritime Security and International Humanitarian Law. He is actively involved with civil society organisations, as a Trustee of the NGO Human Rights at Sea, Chair of Save the Children International’s Civil-Military Engagement Advisory Board, and Legal and Military Consultant to the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack.

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