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Closing the door: the challenge facing activists from the former Soviet Union seeking asylum or refuge

This event will examine how countries, particularly in Europe, are making it more difficult for activists and others from the former Soviet Union who are at risk of persecution to seek refuge or secure asylum. It will discuss at the ways in which countries are increasingly sending those at risk back to their country of origin, sometimes misusing the concepts of ‘Internal Protection’ and ‘safe third countries’ . The event will explore the need for asylum systems to better respond to how regimes target the families of activists.

This event will launch the new Closing the Door publication, part of the Exporting Repression Series in partnership with the Open Society Foundations. The FPC is grateful to the support of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Human Rights to host the event.

Please RSVP to providing your name and affiliation (if you have one).

When December 4, 2017 6pm-7.30pm

Committee Room 5, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA


Claire Rimmer Quaid, ECRE Senior Policy and Project Officer, European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)

Dr Leila Alieva, Academic Visitor, St Anthony’s College, University of Oxford

Dr Saipira Furstenberg, Postdoctoral fellow and Project Manager,  Central Asian Political Exiles project, University of Exeter

Chair: Baroness Stern CBE, Secretary, All Party Parliamentary Group on Human Rights

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