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The Future UK-EU Internal Security Cooperation: will the UK go from a security leader to a norm-taker?

The Aston Centre for Europe and the Foreign Policy Centre are pleased to invite you to their forthcoming policy and outreach seminar on UK-EU internal security cooperation on 19 April. As the United Kingdom prepares to leave the European Union, it is now faced with having to develop new forms of cooperation with its European neighbours to fight ever more transnational security threats. As a country with a key role in international security, it is also now confronted with a potential loss of influence in European decision-making, and with the need to create innovative strategies to maintain its security leadership.

Bearing this background in kind, the seminar proposes to explore what is likely to be one of the most important security shifts in the history of contemporary Britain, by discussing alternatives to the UK’s current security opt-ins, the viability of reproducing EU instruments outside the EU framework, and any political and legal challenges likely to emerge during the negotiation of the new security agreement.

The seminar will be followed by a wine reception to be hosted in the same room.

Please register by sending an e-mail to:

When April 19, 2018 6pm- 7.30pm

Lecture Hall, British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, St. James, London, SW1Y 5AH


Dr Anita Lavorgna, Lecturer in Criminology, University of Southampton

Dr Camino Mortera-Martinez, Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform

Prof Christian Kaunert, Professor of Policing and Security, University of South Wales

Prof Elaine Fahey, Professor of Law, City University London

Chair: Lord Jay of Ewelme

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