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Retreating Rights: Examining the pressure on human rights in Kazakhstan

Edited by Adam Hug

As we approach the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence this publication, Retreating Rights: Examining the pressure on human rights in Kazakhstan, finds the country in a period of change. The gradual passing of the torch from First President Nazarbayev to President Tokayev, growing social protests as living standards have been squeezed for many, and an uncertain future that lies ahead given the global move away from fossil fuels, make it an important time to take stock of the current state of human rights and governance in Kazakhstan.

To see the full list of recommendations please download the publication.

Edited by Adam Hug (Foreign Policy Centre) the publication contains essay contributions from: Colleen Wood (Columbia University); Aina Shormanbaeva and Amangeldy Shormanbayev (International Legal Foundation- ILI); Tatiana Chernobil (formerly Amnesty International); Mihra Rittmann (Human Rights Watch); Galiya Azhenova (Adilsoz Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech); Anna Gussarova (Director, CAISS – Central Asia Institute for Strategic Studies); Dr Khalida Azhigulova (Associate Professor, Eurasian Technological University); and Aigerim Kamidola (Independent consultant in international human rights law).

This report was launched with a webinar on Thursday 22nd July, with the following speakers: Anna Gussarova (Director, CAISS – Central Asia Institute for Strategic Studies); Tatiana Chernobil (formerly Amnesty International); Dr Khalida Azhigulova (Associate Professor, Eurasian Technological University),; and Aigerim Kamidola (Independent consultant in international human rights law). The event was chaired by Adam Hug (Director of the FPC). You can catch up with the audio from the event here and the video here.

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