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Can Britain be a ‘force for good’ in Central Asia?

The Foreign Policy Centre is hosting a webinar to explore how the UK can be a ‘force for good’ in Central Asia. After a year of political turbulence, in both Central Asia and the UK, the discussion will be an opportunity to take stock of some of the key challenges and opportunities facing Britain’s role in the region. Particularly, in relation to what it can do to support good governance, human rights and political freedoms.

The event will look at the UK’s engagement with the region and examine the extent of the diplomatic and economic tools available to it to support positive change both bilaterally and in partnership with like minded partners. It will also look at what changes are needed at home to prevent the UK from enabling some of the worst practices in Central Asia, notably to stop it being a repository for dirty money from the region.

Please register for this event here.

Time for attendees from the region:

16:00-17:00 in Tajikistan | Turkmenistan | Uzbekistan
17:00-18:00 in Kazakhstan | Kyrgyzstan


When December 15, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm UK time

This event will be taking place on Zoom.


Prof. Kristian Lasslett, Professor at Ulster University and Co-Director Uz Investigations

Dr Khalida Azhigulova, Associate Professor at Eurasian Technological University

Dr Aijan Sharshenova, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek

Chair: Adam Hug, Director of the Foreign Policy Centre

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