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International Women’s Day in Iran 2023

On a hot summer day in 1983, the Islamic Republic authorities hanged 17 year old Mona Mahmoudnezhad. Her crime? Teaching morality to children.   On another hot summer day, this…

Article by Drewery Dyke and Tahirih Danesh

Saudi Arabia and Iran: The Struggle to Shape the Middle East

The fractious rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran and its impact on the Middle East.


Iran Human Rights Review: Due Process

This edition of the Iran Human Rights Review focuses on due process in the Iranian…


Iran Human Rights Review: Women and Human Rights

This latest IHRR issue focuses on women and their on-going struggle to access human rights…


Iran Human Rights Review: Economy

This IHRR issue focuses on the relationship between Iran’s human rights record and its economy.


Iran Human Rights Review: United Nations

This IHRR edition focuses on the relationship between Iran and the United Nations.


Iran Human Rights Review: Justice

This IHRR looks at injustice in the Iranian judicial system and society for citizens and…


Iran Human Rights Review: Violence

This IHRR addresses the issue of violence in Iran and how it is used at…


Iran Human Rights Review: Religion

The inaugural Iran Human Rights Review focuses on religion in relation to human rights in…


Persian (Farsi) translation of ‘From Cradle to Coffin: A Report on Child Executions in Iran’

The full text of 'From Cradle to Coffin' translated into Farsi is available to download…


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