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September 18, 2005

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Turks in Europe

Sarah Schaefer, Greg Austin and Kate Parker

At a personal level, what do the ‘Turks in Europe’ represent? How are they linked, if at all, to the issue of Turkey’s accession to the European Union? There are as many answers to these questions as there are shades of political opinion. What we do know for sure is that the idea of Turkey being a member of the EU is not a welcome one for some Europeans.

This pamphlet finds more anxiety and fear about migration in general than about Turkey, but it suggests that those fears are channelled in public debate into the issue of Turkey’s accession. Britain and the EU need to ‘normalise cultural diversity’ within an EU ‘ideology’ of migration, and that ‘ideology’ of migration must paint it as both inevitable and beneficial, at the same time as it contains prescriptions for channeling it and mitigating its equally inevitable negative effects.

Authors of the pamphlet include Sarah Schaefer (Europe Director at the FPC), Greg Austin (FPC Research Director), and Kate Parker (FPC Associate). Stephen Twigg, FPC Director, introduces the pamphlet in the Preface.

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